CANNOT REDIRECT my website with wildcard

Asked by:
bseaton23 / 14 Points
2016-06-23 5:53 am EST
Domain Names
Redirecting "" to "http://*****.com" will cause a redirection loop because "http://*************.com/", which is located at "/home/******/public_html/", is above "http://*******.com", which is located at "/home/******/public_html/" .

It will allow a regular redirect but not a wildcard redirect

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12,339 Points
2016-06-23 9:04 pm EST
Hello bseaton23,

Thank you for your question regarding wildcard redirect issues. You should still be able to setup a wildcard redirect, since most redirect rules will be domain specific.

If a rule in your "/home/*******/public_html/" is causing problems, you can override the specific rule in the .htaccess file for the addon domain.

Thank you,

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Ok, sounds good.
Can you walk me thru doing that.
I'm a noobie
14 Points

2016-06-23 11:42 pm EST
You will have to actually review the coding in the "/home/******/public_html/.htaccess" file to determine which one is causing the redirect loop.

As a test you can comment our each rule (one-at-a-time), until the wild card redirect works.

Alternately, I found a forum post where they provide possible solutions on how to redirect all wildcard subdomains to root domain.

Like most coding solutions, you will have to test as you work until you find a solution that fits your needs.

Thank you,
12,339 Points
2016-06-24 1:35 am EST
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