can't access my blog

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-08-14 11:45 pm EST
Domain Names
I am having trouble accessing the blog that I just set up through a domain name with webhostinghub and the blog with wordpress. I can access it through either site or through my iphone Safari program but not on google on my PC. How do I set that up?

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2,342 Points
2014-08-14 11:50 pm EST
Your site will not show up in Google search results for some time as Google first needs to discover your site and determine how your listing is displayed. Sometimes this can be a matter of days or can be as much as months depending on if people are regularly linking to your site.

Simply put, just give it some time and Google will eventually index your site. Unfortunately, there is no way to speed the process up.

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