Hello Bjohnes, Based on your account, you domain is registered for 1 year. At this point you cannot transfer the domain to another domain registrar until 60 days have elapsed from the date of your registration. This does not mean you cannot use the domain name. You can still change the NAME SERVERS for the domain and point them to your new host. This change requires up to 24 hours. After the domain propagation has passed (the 24 hrs), then your domain will be pointing to your new host. You need to contact your new hosting service to get their name servers. Again, your domain registration is registered for a year. You need to wait 60 days from point of purchase in order to transfer it - not our rule, but ICANN(Internet committeee for Assigned Names and Numbers- international organzation that oversees the use of internet domains). Once that period is up, you are free to transfer the domain registrars. For more information on the name servers go here: What are my Name servers and how do I change them? I hope this helps to clarify it. If require further assistance, please contact live support, or leave a comment at the bottom of the page. If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Regards, Arnel C. |
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