Getting back in good standing with Facebook/Google

Asked by:
djkerry7 / 8 Points
2016-01-04 8:56 pm EST
Domain Names
I run a blog and it was poorly set up initially causing a ton of spam issues early on. I had some assist with the migration to your site and he mentioned I would need to do some serious clean up or have to toss the domain. I set up some spam plug ins on wordpress and manually deleted comments, but without Fbook or Google being happy with me, its preventing me from getting a huge reach. It's a pretty popular blog and this is becoming very hindering.

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16,266 Points
2016-01-04 9:37 pm EST
Hello djkerry7,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with Google and Facebook in regards to your site's reputation. Time heals all wounds, even in regards to Google and Facebook. The longer your site is doing the right things and staying clean, the less penalty you will get from Facebook and Google. I am not sure how Facebook handles things, but with Google, you can submit a reconsideration request after you have taken your action. They will then take a look at your site and see if it meets their standards. If so, they will lift any penalties taken against the site.

This may mean you have to work your way back up the ladder a bit, but it will allow you that opportunity.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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Reading through the page you sent me, it looks like it wants me to transfer my domain to google domains. Could you explain what this is or what it would do to my site? It seems to be necessary when having them review.
8 Points

2016-01-05 2:44 am EST
Hello djkerry7,

The article provides information about submitting a request to Google to have your site scanned.

Because most people search with Google it is beneficial to be in good standing with them; this improves search results for your site. You do not need to transfer your domain in order to submit a "reconsideration request".

Please let us know if you have any further questions.
1,348 Points
2016-01-05 7:52 pm EST
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