How Do I add www. to my domain name?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-07-01 8:33 am EST
Domain Names
Howdy everyone,

I have notived in search engines my webite is listed as instead of It have wordpress installed, have settings to display www, I have redirect to www. turned on, but still can't figure it out. It also displays it without it in the addressbar even when redirected. My domain name in cPanel also shows without www. Im sure its not a huge deal, but is there a way to change this somewhere to appease my OCD?

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17,314 Points
2017-07-03 1:20 pm EST

Thanks for the question about using WWW with your domain name. Many people are divided on the issue of use WWW or not. However, you can force it in the .htaccess file (make sure you put any changes at the top of the entries in the file). Also, make sure there are no other re-directs in the .htaccess file that can overwrite what you add. You can find out how to do this in the following tutorial: Forcing the non-www or www version of your site with htaccess. If youre using WordPress, then as an alternate solution you can obtain a free plugin that will make sure you're using WWW.

In regards to the search engine results, you may need to submit an update to the search engine. Google does this through its webmasters interface.

I hope that helps to answer your questions! If you require further assistance, please let us know!

Arnel C.

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