How do I rename my subdomain (i.e. change URL)?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-01-28 11:57 pm EST
Domain Names
This is part of a website name change. I'm trying to change the URL for one of my subdomains ( to a domain I just purchased ( I already built an entire website on Wordpress two years ago, it's fully functioning and all I want to do is move that website to

Do I have to create a new subdomain and build it from scratch again, or can I just cut/paste the new domain name into the existing subdomain's document root? Can I just redirect the existing subdomain to the new URL?

Thanks for your help.

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1,348 Points
2016-01-29 12:44 am EST

Thank you for contacting us about moving your WordPress installation. The best way to do this without having to move content between databases is to move your WordPress to a different folder on your server.

This may be the best method to accomplish your goal, but let us know if you have any further questions or difficulties.

Christopher M.

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