How i upload my site to an addon domain?

Asked by:
jgiannakop / 5 Points
2012-01-11 1:28 am EST
Domain Names
My main domain is I just made an addon domain ( Obviously i have to wait up to 24h until it's active. But in what ftp address i upload my site. And the url that i use to visit it is


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1,846 Points
2012-01-11 1:38 am EST
Hi jgiannakop,

The steps you will need to take to upload your site files to your addon domain will vary based upon which software you're using.

I think most of your questions can be answered through the following article:
Working With Your Addon Domain's FTP Account

In general though, you can use your cPanel username and password as your FTP username and password. As far as the FTP hostname, you can use any hostname as long as it points to the server. For example, you could use either,,, or as they all point to the correct server.

If you have any further questions after you've reviewed the article I linked to you above, please be sure to let us know. We're more than happy to help further!

- Brad

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