I would like to change my account from a .com to an .org

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2013-12-11 12:24 am EST
Domain Names
I accidently opened an account with the .com however would love to start with an .org. So, please can I still change that? I opened the account only 3 hours ago.

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17,314 Points
2013-12-11 12:34 am EST

Thanks for the question! Yes, you can change the name of the domain used for your account. If you are changing a domain name that you just purchased, it can be done within 120 hours of the actual purchase without incurring a cost. If you go beyond that time period however, then you would need to register a second domain name.

If you have an account that has been established beyond that time period and you want to change the domain used to establish the account, please review the article named Change the main domain name.

Please contact our live technical support team as soon as possible to make the change to your domain name if it is newly purchased.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Arnel C.

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