I would like to modify my domain to something else, do I need to purchase a new one or can I just edit the one I have?

Asked by:
ottog80webmaster / 5 Points
2013-07-21 10:55 am EST
Domain Names
I'm still keeping the b-fly but would like to change the rest of the name to something else.

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12,339 Points
2013-07-22 4:07 pm EST
Hello ottog80webmaster,

Thank you for your question. If the domain name was just registered (within the last day or 2), then I recommend contacting Live Support so they can attempt to cancel the registration.

Otherwise, since the domain name will be different, you would have to register new domain name.

You can register with us via AMP, or register with any registrar, and have them point to our Nameservers.

Then allow up to 24 hours for propagation to complete.

If you want to cancel a domain, you accomplish this in AMP.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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