Is my domain name my cPanel user name?

Asked by:
drchauvin / 5 Points
2012-03-01 8:56 am EST
Domain Names
I purchased web space today and registered a domain (

On my file manager page the domain name is shown as "super35" but my actual domain is "super3D". I don't know if this matters but I suspect that it will.


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13,688 Points
2012-03-01 6:09 pm EST
Hello drchauvin,

Thank you for your question about your domain name and the folders you see in the cPanel File Manager. The folder you are seeing is actually your user folder.

While that user name is based off of your domain name, it does not have to match it. You can double check your domain name in two places, AMP and the cPanel home page. I have checked both of these for you and the domain registered and shown as the main domain name on your cPanel account is

In AMP, you can view all of your subscriptions (including your domain registration) under Account & Billing Details.

In cPanel, your main domain is listed under your cPanel stats (found on the left side of the cPanel home page.

One more note about the directory structure you see in cPanel File Manager. If you will be uploading files to your account for your website, please make sure you upload those the public_html directory (your main domain's document root).

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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