My domain name does not show up in a Google search

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-05-10 4:04 pm EST
Domain Names
I registered my domain 36 hours ago with GoDaddy. I then registered and paid for a Web hosting service with you. Following instructions on the site I changed the name servers on the Go Daddy site to your specifications (ns1.... and ns2...). Even after waiting the suggested 24 hours the domain name is not being recognized by Google. I tried using your script that looks for the name (I can't remember exactly what this was) but it resulted in an error message. I've double-checked the GoDaddy site to make sure the name servers are correct. How can I resolve this?

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1,348 Points
2016-05-10 4:56 pm EST

Thank you for contacting us about Nameserver updates. Yes, everything should be pointing to us by now. It sounds like you have done everything correctly. However, it looks like the domain records did not push through yet. I advise double-checking the records at GoDaddy first and then you can contact our Live Support to investigate further.

Christopher M.

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