Transferring a domain name to another registrar

Asked by:
Aletarius / 8 Points
2013-09-06 4:32 am EST
Domain Names
Hi. I'm looking to transfering my existing domain name that is with webhostinghub over to GoDaddy as all of my other domains are there. This is nothing against webhostinghub. I just find it easier to manage the billing if they're all in one spot.

What are the implications of doing this? Does my site go offline? Can I still use my hosted email service, through webmail etc? Am I required to have a domain registered through webhostinghub to have hosting?

Thank you.

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17,314 Points
2013-09-06 5:27 am EST
Hello Aletarius,

I'm sorry to hear that you are moving the domain registration to another registrar. The impact here is that you would no longer have a domain name assigned to your account. The DNS would need to be pointed to the server here. Same thing would need to be done for the email service if you were to keep everything here. The domain name isn't required, but you would need to have a place-holder name for the account to make it easy to identify. When you point your domain to us from your other domain registrar make sure that you set your mail server settings to be remote as you don't want your local mail server thinking that mail should be authenticated through your local server. You would also need to add an A record that points to our server here. We have a tutorial for this using the cPanel here: adding an A record. You would need to consult with your domain registrar on how to make DNS changes.

Additionally, if you don't want to make separate mail and A record changes, then simply make your name servers point to the Web Hosting Hub server. For more info on our name servers, please go here: What are my name servers?

I hope this helps to clarify the issue for you. The answer to your question is that a domain isn't required to use a hosting account, but some type of temporary name can be used a placeholder (the name does not need to be registered) in order to make it easier to identify your account. Also, please remember that any DNS change will result in a short bit of DNS propagation that may last up to 24 hours.

If you require any further assistance, please let us know!

Arnel C.

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Thank you for the detailed response. It is much appreciated. I'm still a bit new to all of this. So basically everything can stay the same as it currently is with the exception of billing correct?

Also I'm still confused about the placeholder portion. How does that work. Would that be the up address or a sun domain etc?
8 Points

2013-09-06 7:17 am EST
Hello Aletarius,

You would need to send a verified email request to either billing or technical support to have the primary domain removed from your billing. Indicate you intend to hold on to the hosting account.

You can leave it with the same domain name if you wish, since you would still be using that domain name for the account. However, if you're going to pointing the domain name elsewhere, then you should rename it to something else. You can make anything up - for example "".

By the way, they verify the email requests with either the last 4 digits of the credit card or the AMP password. The contact information for Billing is or you can also simply send the request to

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-09-06 6:23 pm EST
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