Issues publishing my website to my domain

Asked by:
Moraga / 10 Points
2012-08-01 10:06 am EST
Domain Pointing
Im having issues publishing my website and having it appear on my domain ( Instead my website appears under my temporary url. I need to figure out how to have my website appear under my main domain.

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16,266 Points
2012-08-01 4:34 pm EST
Hello Moraga,

The domain name should point to the same place as the Temp URL. The domain name itself had not completely registered in the registrar database.

I contacted them to get it fixed and the domain name is now completely registered. You should see the domain name show your website at some point during the day. Officially we say 4-24 hours, but I have seen it happen in as little as 20 minutes. Just check the domain throughout the day and you will see it appear.

I have also adjusted the expiration date on the domain name itself to reflect today as the initial registration date.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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