Hi, i am helping a friend redesign his website and after making some changes and pushing the new files to the server all i get is a page listing some hyperlink

Asked by:
bowls1ngeneva / 10 Points
2012-08-07 1:45 am EST
I went through the files and removed the old ones which i am replacing, it is only a holding page at the moment, and it is not picking anything up. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I used Dreamweaver to push the files and there isn't a problem connecting. Thanks

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17,314 Points
2012-08-07 2:49 am EST
Hello Bowls1ngeneva,

I can see that your files are going into the wrong place. They need to be placed at the root of public_html. They can't go in a FOLDER inside that location. They need to be in the root. Additionally, you're naming the files with capital letters. I renamed the INDEX file for you from "Index.html" to "index.html" - the server is capital letter sensitive, and will not recognize the index file if any of its letters are capitalized. Index.html and index.html are two different files according the server, so be cautious in how you name your files. I also fixed the path referencing your graphic files. I'm not sure how Dreamweaver is abbreviating the locations to the files, but it was incorrect - most likely because they were previously in the Welcome folder. I changed the "../" to simply "./" and it's now working properly.

The rest of it is simply getting used to Dreamweaver. If you check your site now, it's appearing. Check your documentation with Dreamweaver with uploading the files into the public_html folder and you should be good to go.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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