trying to insert a record into a mysql table

Asked by:
OHRiley / 30 Points
2012-06-04 8:20 pm EST
hello, I am trying to insert a record into a mysql table with data collected from a form...the php file is called, but blank records are being inserted, not the data I enter. Here are my simple test files... Have you any ideas? Thanks OH RILEY

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17,314 Points
2012-06-04 8:50 pm EST
Hello OHRiley,

It looks like something in your form script is not working. The form script usually updates the database. So, if you're seeing something wrong there, I would double-check the script. Briefly looking at your files, I'm not sure what script you're referencing, but first check the script to make sure you're passing over the data correctly. If you can provide more detail, we can take a closer look and see exactly what is happening.

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Arnel C.

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