How do I create sub tabs with Drupal?

Asked by:
rvsol / 5 Points
2012-06-11 6:55 pm EST
Hi, I'm still all very new to this site building.

I'm trying to great a way to make secondary links for my primary ones that sort of drop down when the mouse goes over them. Any sort of help would be much appreciated.

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17,314 Points
2012-06-11 7:22 pm EST
Hello Rvsol,

We unfortunately cannot provide you actual code to solve your problem. That's outside of the scope of our support. However, we do strive to point you in the right direction -hopefully with the answers that you need. Please review the following links below. I did some researching in the Drupal forums, and it does appear that some people have had the same question and have provided their answers:

Drupal Forum Question about Sub Tabs
Drupal Forum - Explanation on User Tabs (note links)

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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