How do I make a Mirror site on

Asked by:
OMAROP / 15 Points
2012-09-19 5:20 pm EST
I have made a site with drupal that was automaticaly installed.

I wonder if I could make an AUTOMATED backup say once a week from to ?

Now I'd like to make a backup mirror site from

I actualy use dreamweaver for the ftp and the Site I see inside is clearly empty. Public html shows only two files .htaccess and defaut.php Meanwhile I see in the main tree one of my folder with my data.

Thank you for your kind help

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17,314 Points
2012-09-19 7:53 pm EST
Hello Omarop,

You already pay for a backup on your account that occurs every 24-36 hours. It is not archived though -meaning, that you won't be able to go back several days, weeks or months to find different versions of the backup. You'd have to use a cron job to make an automated backup - OR, you can also pay for an automated backup through a third party service.

You can make a backup of your site, but you will need to ultimately decide how you will resolve this need.

Additionally, make sure your settings for Dreamweaver are looking at the server. I took a peak at your Pulic_html folder and your website files are there in their entirety.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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