I have installed Drupal 6 and I want to enable clean url's. how do I do that?

Asked by:
mschuette / 8 Points
2011-10-05 7:58 pm EST
It has run the clean URL test and come back with this: Your system configuration does not currently support this feature. The handbook page on Clean URLs has additional troubleshooting information. I think I have to go into apache config? and fix something?

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13,688 Points
2011-10-05 10:27 pm EST
Hello mschuette,

Thank you for updating your question. This is likely due to accessing the new Drupal site through the temporary URL. I would recommend making a hosts file mod on your local computer so that you can view and test your site here without having to use the temporary url. For instructions for making a hosts file mod, please see:

Modify Your Hosts File in Windows

Modify Your Hosts File on a Mac

Thank you,

Christi N.

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13,688 Points
2011-10-05 8:38 pm EST
Hello mschuette,

If the Drupal installtion was not able to run the Clean URLS test at the time of installation, you can run the test from your Drupal administration area. Go to Configuration > Search and metadata and click on Clean URLs. Drupal will automatically run the Clean URLs test and show you the results so you can save the configuration.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional assistance.

Thank you,

Christi N.

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