Installing modules on Drupel

Asked by:
rmlupi / 10 Points
2012-04-18 4:43 am EST
Hi, I'm trying to install the Sheetnode module, which needs the Zend Gdata package in order to import spreadsheets. I have installed Zend and now am trying to point Sheetnode to the location of the package. I have tried multiple paths, but keep getting the same error message:

The path you entered does not point to a valid location. Please enter the full path of the extracted Zend Gdata package, including the library subdirectory.

Enter the full path of the extracted Zend Gdata package (pointing to but not including the Zend/ subfolder). Leave empty if the Zend framework is already included in the PHP include_path setting. On this server, include_path is set to:


My file is located at:


Any thoughts on what I'm doing incorrectly? Thanks!

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13,688 Points
2012-04-18 3:32 pm EST
Hello rmlupi,

I'm sorry you're having trouble installing and configuring your module in Drupal. While you can install the stand alone Gdata client library, I would recommend installing the Zend Framework (version 1.6 or higher) which should include the Gdata client library. For step-by-step instructions, please see our tutorial How to Install the Zend Framework.

Part of our instructions on installing the Zend Framework is setting the path to the Zend Framework library in the include path in php.ini. So, you will not need to include the path to the Zend Framework or the Gdata package when you are installing Sheetnode.

Please let us know how the installation goes. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, we're happy to help.


Christi N.

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