uploadprogress php extension

Asked by:
jwb / 5 Points
2013-03-05 12:00 am EST

The uploadprogress module does not appear to be a part of an existing pear package and is typically installed with pecl.

Just wondering how to add this module.


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2,132 Points
2013-03-05 12:35 am EST
Hello jwb!

Thank you for your question! Sorry for the bad news; but, we cannot install the uploadprogress php extension on our Hub servers because it requires some system configuration change that is not conducive to the shared environment. Sorry for this.

PECL is a package manager that lets you install things that are not installed by default. We do not have APC or mod_php on our servers which is required for the uploadprogress extension to work. PECL is only known to work on Apache with mod_php. Please see the following link for more details.


Best Regards,
James R

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