Using Drupal cli utility Drush in development

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-09-30 4:34 pm EST
I'm using the preinstalled version of Drupal and it seems to work well. Best practices for Drupal development are to download the site, work on it on a local machine (my notebook), test it, then upload the new version to production. To do things this way (unless you have an alternative), I need:

1. The CLI utility Drush installed on my server instance. I can do this if you don't have it there already.

2. SSH access.

Do I have SSH access? If so, do you have Drush preinstalled; and if not, would you have any problem if I did this?

Scott Ferguson

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17,314 Points
2015-09-30 5:06 pm EST
Hello Scott,

Thanks for the question about DRUSH and SSH access. I spoke to our local Drupal expert and he explained that Drush could not be installed on a shared server. You would need to be on a VPS or dedicated server. You do have access to SSH access on Web Hosting Hub. He also mentioned that although you can't use Drush on Web Hosting Hub at this time, that bewtween SSH access and the Drupal admin, you can still accomplish most everything you need for the Drupal installation.

Apologies that we can't accomodate you with Drush! If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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I logged into my shared server using SSH according to the following document:

I have installed drush and the drush command; “drush st” works.
However my drush does not work perfectly, I am not sure that drush can not work on westinghub shared servers. Please tell me the specific reason for “you can't use Drush on Web Hosting Hub at this time”.
6 Points

2015-11-13 4:20 pm EST
Hello Acordo,

The reason it will not fully work on our servers is because it usually requires a library that only a user with elevated privileges can access. This library is composer which is not installed on our shared servers.

Best Regards,
TJ Edens
1,198 Points
2015-11-13 5:54 pm EST
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