why aren't my drupal themes and modules showing?

Asked by:
LRitz / 37 Points
2012-09-11 9:44 pm EST
I loaded a site I created through drupal, but the themes and modules are not showing. Where should they be put in file manager to show up properly?

I guess I need to rephrase this question. The import stated that 700+ items were imported and phpadmin shows all the modules and content. I have searched file manager and can't find the modules or content beyond the basic. Any idea what happened to it?

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17,314 Points
2012-09-11 10:26 pm EST
Hello Lritz,

It's possible problem is that you may not have defined you temporary folder. Look through your Drupal documentation for setting up the temp directory. You need to select a folder (or create one) that exists on your account. Otherwise, Drupal cannot upload or unpack files that it would otherwise easily do.

Drupal Temporary Directory

In order to learn how to use your File manager to create a folder go here:

Using the File Manager

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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