providing access to my business partner

Asked by:
JalenLovesApple / 10 Points
2013-02-08 8:29 pm EST
I would like to give my business partner access to all your service. Please let me know how I can provide her access. Thank you!


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3,713 Points
2013-02-08 10:13 pm EST
Hello Tomomi, and thanks for the great question.

You can actually give your business partner limited FTP access if you'd like. This would just allow her access to upload and modify files on your website. In some cases this might be all someone needs.

If she also needs full cPanel access, so that for instance she can create email accounts, create and manage MySQL databases, and do any of the other account functions, then we would advise to first reset your cPanel password to something new.

Down the road if you need to revoke her access, then you could simply follow the same steps to reset the cPanel password again.

Finally if you would like to share full account access, if you share with her your AMP (Account Management Panel) password, or the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, she can use that to verify for tickets and also access cPanel.

Please let us know if you had any further questions at all, and we'd be glad to help.

- Jacob

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