Saving sent messages in Windows Live Mail

Asked by:
milehighdesigns / 18 Points
2012-03-01 8:04 am EST
Email Client Setup
I've set up my email in windows live mail and I'm able to send and receive emails perfectly fine. But the only emails saved in my sent folder are emails that I send from the Webmail. Is there anyway to store my sent emails that I send through the live mail?

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13,688 Points
2012-03-01 5:58 pm EST
Hello milehighdesigns,

Thank you for your question about saving sent messages in Windows Live Mail. I'm not sure which version you may be using, but here are the instructions for Windows Live Mail 2011:

Open Windows Live Mail
Click on the Windows Live Mail menu in the ribbon menu (to the left of "Home")
From the drop down menu that appears, select Options > Mail
In the Options window that appears, click on the Send tab
Select the check box next to "Save copy of sent messages in the 'Sent Items' folder"

If you are using an IMAP connection for email, you will also want to do the following:

Select your account in Windows Live Mail
Click the Accounts Tab
Click the Properties icon in the menu
In the Properties window that appears, click the IMAP tab
Under Folders, for Root folder path, type in "Inbox" (without the quotes)

This should set Windows Live Mail to save your sent messages to the sent folder on the server.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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awesome! it took me two days to find this, but it absolutely did it for me... also watch out for "Sent Items" vs "Sent" vs "Sent Mail," capitalization on folder names, etc.
3 Points

2013-06-07 9:38 pm EST
When I typed INBOX, saved and backed out ALL of my mail was gone and there were double folders for Sent, Deleted...etc. I went back in and deleted INBOX saved and eventually all my email came back but not my old sent mail. The only sent mail I have is what was recently sent. What I need is to find all my OLD sent emails that WERE in my sent folder but are now gone. I am sick over this as this is a work account and many of these emails are VERY important. Can anyone tell me where they may have gone? They were not deleted by me and I am the only one that uses this computer
3 Points

2016-09-28 11:47 pm EST
Hello Uconncass,

Sorry to hear that you're having problems with your emails. It's difficult to say where your emails have gone without knowing your account information or how you were accessing these emails. If you are referring to a Windows Live account, then you may need to speak with Microsoft concerning the emails that you are saying are missing. They are probably not missing, but you should take action as soon as possible in order to immediately resolve where your emails might have been moved. If you are a Web Hosting Hub customer, then please provide information on your account (domain name or account user name) so that we can investigate the issue further. If you wish for the matter to be handled privately, then you are welcome to contact our live technical support team (contact info at the bottom of the page).

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2016-09-29 1:22 am EST
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