Cannot create email accounts

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-09-06 5:28 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
I am having difficulty creating a new email account. I used the instructions from the following link:

However, every time I attempt to create an account I get the following:

"file open for home/polyma7/ect/ failed with error No such directory"

I tried making a series of folders but no luck. Is there something missing?

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12,339 Points
2015-09-08 9:07 pm EST

Thank you for contacting us about a No such directory error when creating email accounts.

Normally, recreating the missing files will correct this issue. Since that did not work, I recommend contacting Live Support so they can review your specific account.
Let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,

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