email forwarding issues

Asked by:
TLDMAT / 10 Points
2012-11-20 12:49 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
The forum helped me fix my receiving email problem with the need for me to change the nameservers, which worked perfectly.

Now I have set up email to forward all mail to a different email address but that is not happening. it arrives in my inbox at HUB but not at the forwarded side.

The help is much appreciated.

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3,713 Points
2012-11-20 1:07 am EST
Hello TLDMAT, and thank you for your question.

Looking at the mail logs on the server it looks like your mail forwarding should be properly working. I just tried to send an e-mail with the subject "Delivery Test" to the account you have a mail forwarder setup on, and it also looked to successfully deliver to the Gmail account setup as the forwarder as well.

I would recommend checking your spam folder in Gmail, or specifically look for the messages using the subjects that you're seeing on your WebHostingHub account.

Additionally it's typically not recommended to setup mail forwarding to Gmail since they give you the ability to POP in e-mail from other accounts anyways. You can use the following guide to set this up if you'd like:

How to check your email using Gmail

Please let us know if you have any further questions at all.

- Jacob

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