email passwords don't work

Asked by:
LLFiggs / 70 Points
2012-06-16 9:32 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
I have set up several email accounts, following WHH instructions. Initially, everything seemed fine. But for the past few weeks, nearly every time I attempt to log into an email account, the login fails repeatedly, though I know I'm using the correct password.

I've learned that if I go into cPanel and re-save the same password, I can log in. Until next time. I need the passwords to stick! HELP PLEASE!!!

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16,266 Points
2012-06-18 3:29 pm EST
Hello LLFiggs,

In testing, we were unable to replicate the error. As there are no other reports of this issue on this server or any other, it may be related to your account specifically.

When it happens again, you will want to contact us immediately. You can contact the support department directly so they can test and check any recent activity, etc.

If you have any more questions or information specific to the issue please leave a comment below so we can further assist you.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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