forwarders not working

Asked by:
stever / 8 Points
2012-08-29 2:44 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
I have about a dozen mail accounts, all of which forward to end users personal email accounts. I also have a forwarder that is not linked to a mail account (it's only a forwarder). None of them are working. The Trace works, but emails sent to either type of account don't go through. WTF?

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16,266 Points
2012-08-29 4:25 pm EST
Hello stever,

I tested each and every forwarder on the account. All emails went to their forwarded addresses, according to the server logs. This means they were sent out correctly. Two addresses (president and treasurer) forward to aol addresses and are greylisted, but the other aol forwarders did not greylist. Greylisting is when the email is held for a time before being delivered to ensure it is not spam.

As an additional check, I ran your server through various blacklist checkers, even AOLs own listings, and the server IP came up as good, so there is no blocking.

You will want to now check on the recipient side of the emails to see why their servers are behaving the way they are.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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