Forwarding to Yahoo Group

Asked by:
randywinchester / 8 Points
2013-09-13 11:20 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
I'm trying to set up forwarding for a local email address,, which is an address that we used as an email discussion list with our old ISP.

I set up the new discussion list on Yahoo Groups, as you do not support discussion lists. I am attempting to forward to The mail will not forward.

When I do an Email Address Trace in cPanel, it appears to connect directly from my domain to, but there is also a little blue box that reads: " virtual_user to local delivery." I don't see this note on any of the working forwarders that I've set up. How do I fix this?

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Sorry, I do see the " virtual_user to local delivery" on the other working traces. Please ignore that.
8 Points
2013-09-13 11:29 pm EST
I tried setting up a second email list this way and it fails to forward as well. Mail to ends up in the mail box here. It doesn't forward to Yahoo.
8 Points
2013-09-14 12:43 am EST



17,314 Points
2013-09-14 1:48 am EST
Hello Randywinchester,

I'm sorry that you're having problems with the forwarding. It took me a little while, but I was able to setup a Yahoo test group and I created my own forwarders going to email of the group. Hopefully, this is all done as you have setup your own group.

When I test sending a message, the forwarder sends the message but then it is reported as a bounced message on the server (you can see this in the management section of the Yahoo group under Activity log). Also tried to DIRECTLY email it and it also bounces.

At this point, I know that there are bounces occurring, but there's no way to see WHY the emails are bouncing because we're not getting any of the bounce messages. At this point, my suggestion is that you contact Yahoo support. They would be best equipped to answer the issue since we have no other information regarding the issue here and mail settings workher

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.

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Hello Randy,

Sorry about the end of my answer, as it got chopped for some reason. I meant to say that I tested and typically you would get a bounce back if there is a problem with delivery. I tested with both a Web Hosting Hub account and a Gmail account and they both bounced even without the forwarder. This looks like an issue that Yahoo will need to address because we aren't getting the bounce messages that would derail why the messages are failing.

Apologies again or the troubles! Please let us know if you get more info from Yahoo on the issue and if we can assist you any further.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-09-14 3:59 am EST
Hi Arnel,

I figured this out. It was actually quite simple. It's the way that Yahoo groups are supposed to function.

Yahoo groups do not see the address from which the message was forwarded. They look for the From address field to see if it matches an address in the member list for the group. If there is no match, then Yahoo groups simply discards the message. This way the group admins don't have to deal with deleting tons of spam the way the admins for some Mailman lists have to. A sender who is not a Yahoo group member will get a bounce message, but they aren't very descriptive messages. And, this is the kicker, if you happen to be using GMail, the bounces are likely to go into your spam folder if you get a lot of them in rapid succession, so you might never see them.

So, there wasn't anything actually broken. It just looked broken.


8 Points

2013-09-15 3:14 am EST
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