gravity form notification emails are not being received.

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-07-07 5:41 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
When a form is submitted via gravity form, the entry is logged but the notification emails are not being sent. has anyone experienced anything like this? I deactivated all plugins etc. but no luck. webhubhosting is blaming gravity forms. no changes were made to the site from the time it worked until it stopped working. thanks for any help

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3,713 Points
2014-07-07 9:54 am EST

I don't see any issues with your Contact Us page form after filling it out. It looks like the message gets queued on our server and then delivered off to the recipient. You might want to try sending your form emails to the same local domain you're running the website from to avoid any possible delivery issues.

There could be some sort of filtering going on at the remote end that is blocking the form submitted emails. Please let us know if trying to change the email address your contact form goes to works for you.

- Jacob

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