How can I test email forwarders and auto responders

Asked by:
Rajat / 44 Points
2012-04-02 8:35 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting

I set up an email account on my website hosted here, then set up 2 forwarders and 1 auto-responder.

I sent 3 messages to that email id, but didn't receive a single forwarded message (and just one auto-response). I've checked my SPAM folder too.

Reading one of the earlier posts here, I even deleted that email account I created (but kept the forwarders and auto-responder) so that I don't have to clean up this address here.

Am I doing something wrong?

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13,688 Points
2012-04-02 9:50 pm EST
Hi Rajat,

Thank you for your questions about email forwarders and auto responders. I checked into this for you by reviewing the email logs and I see where both your auto responder and one of your forwarders is working. The forwarder that isn't working during your tests is because Gmail likely isn't allowing you to receive a forwarded message on the same account you sent the original email from. To properly test your forwarders and auto responders, I would recommend using an email address that is not the email address you wish to forward to.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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