How do I access my e-mail

Asked by:
gladned / 15 Points
2012-11-30 1:03 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
<p>I thought I had set up an email acct. for How do I get the mail that was sent to that? Or did I not set up an email acct. for I need basic help because I ordered and paid for an extension and can't access the email to download it.</p>
<p>Thanks, Nedra</p>

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3,713 Points
2012-11-30 1:45 am EST
Hello Nedra, and thanks for your question.

I went ahead and removed your e-mail address and domain from this post to ensure that you don't possibly get spammed due to scrapers crawling through this public forum.

I do see that you have setup the e-mail account mentioned, and also that you have several new e-mails waiting in that account.

The easiest way to access your e-mail is via webmail at the URL:

Of course using your own domain name in place of For full information on this you can read the following guide:

How to log into webmail

If you wanted to check your e-mail directly from a desktop mail client you can take a look at this section of our support center and click on the mail client that you're using for instructions on getting that properly setup as well:

Email client setup

If you have any further questions at all, please let us know and we'd be glad to assist you.

- Jacob

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