Lost email for 1/21/13

Asked by:
AmiSng / 5 Points
2013-01-23 8:10 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
We seem to have lost all email on our server from 1/21/13. Those of us who POP our email have copies, but those that use webmail don't see any email received that day.

I see that the server is having problems. Is that related to this? When do you think it will be back up? Will we ever get that email back?



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12,339 Points
2013-01-23 8:39 pm EST
Hello AmiSng,

Thank you for your question. Your server did experienced a file system problem, but should still be fully functional. System administration is performing emergency maintenance to correct the problem as quickly as possible.

I created a ticket on your behalf to have any missing files synced over.

In the future I recommend contacting live support for an immediate answer:

They are available 24/7 via:
Email: support@webhostinghub.com
Phone: 877-595-4482 x2
Chat (there is a link on the top right).

Thank you,


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