McAffee Refund

Asked by:
AmitKatwa / 5 Points
2013-03-27 1:10 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
Hi Support,

A purchase of two McAffee licenses were bought. 2 x 10 packs of email account protection.

could you cancel this service, and issue a refund for both please.

could you let me know when complete.


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12,339 Points
2013-03-27 3:17 pm EST
Hello AmitKatwa,

Thank you for your request. Since this is a public forum it is not recommended to post private account requests/information here.

I see you sent an email request to our Billing department by emailing:

This creates a ticket for our billing department, and they will email you back upon completion.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below, or contact live Tech Support.

They are available 24/7 via:
Phone: 877-595-4482 x2
Chat (there is a link on the top right).

Thank you,


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