My emails are classified as spam

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2018-11-12 10:12 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting

For the past few days my emails go to recipient's spam folder, even when they have added me in their contacts. What's the problem and a possible solution?


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619 Points
2018-11-12 10:24 pm EST

Thank you for posting your question regarding your emails being classified as spam, even when the recipient has whitelisted your contact. I'm sorry to see this is happening. There are a few recommendations to configure for your domain for email authentication.

For instance, you should ensure that you have enabled an SPF record. This helps mail servers identify that your domain is authorized to send email from your server. This improves your reputation and reduces the likelihood that your email is identified as spam. Your SPF record should include any servers that you would like to authorize to send emails using your domain.

I hope this helps!
Carlos D.

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