Not receiving email after nameserver change

Asked by:
levy99 / 44 Points
2012-05-29 3:02 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
Since yesterday I have not gotten any mail on my domain. Until yesterday everything was OK. Yesterday I switched nameservers for to yours. Will my problem resolve itself as soon as the the various name servers catch up to the change?

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16,266 Points
2012-05-29 7:15 pm EST
Hello Levy99

Propagation time can affect emails. During that time emails will either go to the old server or the new server for the first 24 hours. Once that is past, they should all come to the new server.

I am showing emails being delivered according to the server logs since about 8pm server time last night. You should be seeing them come in now. I have also sent a successful test message from another server.

You will want to make sure you have the correct settings if using an email client such as Outlook, Macmail, etc.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any more questions or information specific to the issue please leave a comment below so we can further assist you.

Best regards,
Scott M

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