Sent email is not being saved

Asked by:
codeccapr / 18 Points
2013-12-10 11:21 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting

I have a couple of email accounts with the server, and I set up the emails in Outlook and iPhone emails using IMAP and sent mails from both are not being saved not even in the server and now I don't have any sent email saved, not even on the iPhone, Outlook and they're nowhere in the webmail application used here. HELP!

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17,314 Points
2013-12-10 11:54 pm EST
Hello Codeccapr,

Sorry you're having problems with the Sent email not being saved. This is a feature that requires that you set the folder subscription when using IMAP. You can find more information for this issue on iPhone here.

This process will vary in Outlook based on the version that you are using. However, the basic process is described in the article labeled Subscribing to folders in Outlook 2010.

Setting the subscribed folder in each of these applications will then allow the SENT messages to be sync'd to server as you are asking.

I hope that helps with your issue! Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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Thanks for your reply! I have a question then, will they never be saved in the webmail page? For example, if I want to see all my sent mails from my email there's no way to see them in the webmail page? In Outlook, I can see the ones I send form Outlook, but not the rest I send, from iPhone or the webmail page. In the iPhone I can't see any sent email, and neither in the webmail page.

I hope this makes sense.

18 Points

2013-12-11 12:36 am EST
Hello Codeccapr,

It makes sense, you just have to understand how the sent email is saved. Since you were not syncing it before, whenever you sent an email it would only save at the location of the application that you were using to send the email (as long as it was set to save the sent emails). This meant that a total summary of ALL sent emails would not be saved until the application is subscribed to the SENT folder in order to synchronize the sent emails. Once you have the setting in place, then you would be able to see all the sent emails saved in one location. This is typical of using IMAP since it is the email protocol that synchronizes multiple folders on the server.

I hope this helps to clarify the issue for you! Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments.

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2013-12-11 1:01 am EST
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