simple email text format question

Asked by:
eckie / 8 Points
2012-03-22 9:14 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting

This is likely a silly question but I am not at all tech savvy. I tried sending my hotmail account a test email from my webhosting email. I used all squirrel mail, horde, and roundcube. With all of them the email I opened in hotmail had strange formatting in that there were tabs all over. It looks very unprofessional but I cannot figure out how to change it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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13,688 Points
2012-03-22 9:44 pm EST
Hi eckie,

I'm sorry you're having trouble with the formatting of emails. What you are describing can be due to several factors. When creating your emails did you change Horde or RoundCube over to HTML composition? Also, did you compose your email within each webmail client or copy and paste text from another program. Also, rendering of emails could be controlled by hotmail as well, depending on your settings and hotmail's default views.

Feel free to forward a copy of that email and send an email directly from one of the webmail clients to We would be happy to take a look at it for you and offer any additional suggestions we may have. Please be sure to update us here if you do send that email, as that email address is not actively monitored.


Christi N.

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