stop receiving emails

Asked by:
jng2013 / 18 Points
2013-09-05 2:27 am EST
Email Troubleshooting
My question regards to emails. I currently have a service sending me emails. For a while they are received and labeled new in the inbox. However, I stop getting new messages. For example, I stopped receiving emails on of my addresses since 8-28-2013. Can someone tell me why this is happening? i have no idea.

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17,314 Points
2013-09-05 2:55 am EST
Hello Jng2013,

Sorry to hear you're having problems getting emails. I checked both email accounts by looking at the mail log for any errors and also sending a test email to each account and they both work the way they're supposed to work.

I did notice that you have email forwarders setup for each email address. That may be related to the issue - I'm not sure if you set this up or if maybe something occurred that affected the script you have the mail being sent to. If you need more information on setting up forwarders, go to Setting up email forwarders. You can easily delete them as well by simply logging into your cPanel and deleting the created forwarders.

I hope this helps to provide a resolution for the issue. Let us know if you have any further questions or comments.

Arnel C.

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Why would the forwarders stop delivery of email from the originating email address? I delete both forwarders and that has not addressed the problem.
18 Points

2013-09-05 2:55 pm EST
Hello jng2013,

Thank you for your question. Depending how the emails are being sent/received, sometimes forwarders can cause problems. While it is not extremely common, we do see it often.

For example, if you have a script sending from to, and there is a forwarder setup to go from to, the forwarder will fail. This is due to the originating address being the same as the final forwarding address.

We are happy to help, but will need more information to troubleshoot further.

What is the sending address?

What is the receiving address?

How are you checking email: outlook, webmail, thunderbird, macmail?

Also, it may be easier to troubleshoot this issue with Live Tech Support, so they can review the email log for errors in real-time.

They are available 24/7 via:
Phone: 877-595-4482 x2
Chat (there is a link on the top right).

Thank you,

12,339 Points
2013-09-05 5:27 pm EST
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