user email password change

Asked by:
Steve Hogan / 8 Points
2012-12-23 9:13 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
My domain name is I have a subdomain I have email boxes set up under that subdomain. Users can log in via webmail at Everything seems to work fine except changing passwords. For example, user email is When they try to change their password, they get an error that says "You are not allowed to change the password for the user “”."

Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem with email?

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3,713 Points
2012-12-24 9:42 pm EST
Hello Steve, and thanks a lot for your question.

This is actually a bug in the way that cPanel handle's our theme it looks like. I'm going to try to get this information passed through the proper channels to see if this can be fully fixed.

For now you should be able to login directly to cPanel, then under the Mail section, click on Email accounts. From here you can click on change password to update the password for any account.

As a work around for allowing users themselves to update their own passwords you should be able to follow these steps.

  1. Login to

  2. Click on Change Password

  3. You'll see the permission error now, in the address bar of your web-browser you should also notice the last part is &, replace that so it reads &, then hit Enter

  4. You should now be presented with the expected update password field

Hope that information helps, please let us know if you're still having any issues getting this working.

- Jacob

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