Where do I locate Email assigned during WordPress installation

Asked by:
nyacupuncturist / 18 Points
2012-10-08 4:19 am EST
Email Troubleshooting

Please forgive me if this seems very basic; but I am at my wit's end.

When I installed WordPress, I noticed that I was assigned an administrator e-mail of admin@acupuncturistinny.com (my website is www.acupuncturistinny.com). Where does this email go?

To test it, I sent an email to admin@acupuncturistinny.com. I looked on my website, WebHostingHub, and Gmail (the Gmail account I used to sign up with WebHostingHub).

The message is no where to be found. Please provide some insight.


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16,266 Points
2012-10-08 7:05 pm EST
Hello nyacupuncturist,

The admin email the wordpress autofills is simply a suggestion. It is common for people to have an admin@ email address for their site, but the program does not know for sure.

I see in your account that such an account does not exist. This means that an email sent to that address will simply go nowhere.

You can certainly create an email address for it using your cpanel.

The email sent to that address from the wordpress will simply have the admin username and password you assigned it during the install. If you have forgotten what that information is, you may want to remove the wordpress and reinstall it once you have the email address set up. You can also change the admin@ email address it fills in with another legitimate email address if you so desire.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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