Why do attachments get changed to win mail.dat files in your email but not with AOL or gmail

Asked by:
dwohlrab / 5 Points
2013-04-02 5:46 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
I receive a lot of attachments with my emails and sometimes they come thru as winmail.dat files instead of Word, Xcel or other file types. This does NOT happen when they are sent to AOL or gmail - only to my wohlrabconsulting.com email account.

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16,266 Points
2013-04-02 5:59 pm EST
Hello dwohlrab,

Thank you for your question. This is a setting that is specific to Microsoft Outlook. You can set your Outlook to not send as winmail.dat

1. Click "File" in Outlook.
2. Select "Options".
3. Go to the "Mail" category.
4. Make sure "HTML" or "Plain Text" is selected for "Compose messages in this format:" under "Compose" messages.
5. Make sure "Convert to HTML format" or "Convert to Plain Text format" is selected for "When sending messages in Rich Text format to Internet recipients:" under "Message format".
6. Click "OK" to complete.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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