cant log onto my email account

Asked by:
stoner16 / 15 Points
2012-04-18 5:41 pm EST
wont let me into my email. thought i had the right password but maybe not any ideas?

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13,688 Points
2012-04-18 5:45 pm EST
Hi Jim,

I'm sorry you're having trouble checking your email. Are you trying to log into webmail or do you use an email client? Make sure you are using the full email address as the user name along with the password for that email account. You can also reset your email password if needed.

Please feel free to update your question or add a comment below if you are using an email client and are receiving any specific errors.


Christi N.

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1,846 Points
2012-04-18 5:48 pm EST
Hi Jim,

Why can't I log into my email?

If you are unable to log into your email account, we'll need to know a few more details. For example:

1. What email client are you using? Are you using an email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mac Mail, or are you using Webmail?

2. What is the error message you receive when you attempt to log in?

If we know how you're checking your email and the error message you're receiving, it will help us quite a bit in helping you resolve this issue. If you wanted to post a comment at the bottom of this page with those details, we'd be more than happy to assist further.

Resetting your email password

If you think this is a password related issue, you can try to reset your email account password and then try again.

Generic Email settings

On a side note, be sure that when you are trying to log into your email:

1. As your username, you are using your full email address (all lowercase)

2. If you are using an email client on your computer (such as Microsoft Outlook or Mac Mail), be sure that as your incoming and outgoing mail servers you are using either or (be sure to replace with your actual domain name).

I hope this helps! Again, feel free to post a comment at the bottom of this page if we can help any further.

- Brad

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