Email forwarding

Asked by:
DQ / 16 Points
2011-09-28 2:17 am EST
What's the sequence and elapsed time for emails to be forwarded and to also be placed in the inbox? I have an account for which I want to forward and delete everything, and I figured the smoothest way would be a chron job to run once or twice a day to clear out the inbox folder. Am I running the risk of deleting a message that hasn't been forwarded?

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So I can literally delete the account for an email address and it will still forward to address specified in the forwarder?
0 Points
2014-12-22 10:30 am EST

Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-09-28 3:15 pm EST
Hello DQ,

Thank you for asking about email forwarding. The elapsed time for forwarding emails can depend on the servers involved. If you are forwarding email from our servers, it should be near instantaneous. You could write the cron job to delete emails that are a certain age (e.g. more than 24 hours old).

You may find it easier to simply set up a forwarder in cPanel and remove the actual email account from within cPanel. This will forward messages sent to the account, but will not store a copy on the server.

Thank you,

Christi N.

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17,314 Points
2014-12-22 6:28 pm EST
Hello LukeAh,

Thanks for the question! Yes, you can delete the email account AFTER you have created the forwarder and the forwarder will still work.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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