Email from field with Subscribe2 plugin for WordPress

Asked by:
zhoward / 11 Points
2012-02-16 8:58 pm EST
When I send an email notification with Subscribe2, my sender name shows up wrong on my recipients email. My blog name is JTH&Associates but instead an email says it is from JTH @ Associates. Is this a problem where I maybe typed it in wrong at some point? I'm kind of a newbie at this and have no idea where to look! Thanks for any help.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-16 9:18 pm EST
Hello zhoward,

Thank you for your question regarding the Subscribe2 plugin with WordPress. In your WordPress dashboard, in Settings > Subscribe2 there is a drop down menu for "Send Email From" where you can choose from Post Author, the name of your blog, or one of your administrator user names as the name the emails will appear from.

While looking into this for you, I noticed that this particular plugin does not have any built-in throttling of emails. If you have a large number of users sign up for email notifications or if you are posting frequently, you could potentially reach the email sending limit of 250 emails per hour. You may want to consider using the built-in RSS feed in WordPress instead. This would allow users to sign up for updates (via RSS) instead of emails. Most major email clients make it fairly easy for users to sign up to your RSS feed or they can simply bookmark your feed in their browser.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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