Email from outside gets sent to Spam

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HubFans / n/a Points
2018-11-21 6:36 pm EST
Email from outside gets sent to Spam. Email is coming from

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17,314 Points
2018-11-21 7:12 pm EST

Sorry for the problem with email from the domain going to spam. It is possible that the domain is on a server that is blacklisted because it was identified as a spam source. If that is the case, then the owner of that domain would need to work to have their server de-listed. The other possibility is that the emails are being identified as spam because of content. One way to alleviate the issue is to whitelist the email address or domain. If Spam Assassin is marking the emails and moving them into the spam folder, then go into your cPanel and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Spam Filters

  2. Scroll down until you see Show Additional Configurations. Click on that link.

  3. Click on the link titled Edit Spam Whitelist Settings

  4. Click on Add a Whitelist from item

  5. Type in the domain or email address that you want whitelisted

  6. Click on the Update button to save your change(s)

When you're finished adding it to the whitelist make sure to check the blacklist to see if that domain/email is listed. You can remove it, if it is. If Spam Filters (Spam Assassin) is not enabled, then you will need to check which application is placing that email or domain into spam.

I hope that helps to answer your question! If you require further assistance please let us know!

Arnel C.

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