Emails from our domain are going to recipients junk folder

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2019-02-19 3:09 pm EST
Our emails sent through the webhostinghub imap server from domain are going to many recipients' junk folders. We have searched available blacklists but don't see the domain listed. Can you please advise why this would be happening and how to correct it as soon as possible?

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1,348 Points
2019-02-19 6:02 pm EST

Thank you for submitting a question about emails going to junk folders. Yes, it is likely not a fault with the domain itself. This will need to be troubleshot at the recipient's end. It is a common practice to politely let the recipient know you have done your due diligence on your end, they will simply need to adjust their email client to direct email from you to their inbox. This is quite common.

Christopher M.

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