All email sent seems to go to the junk/spam folder

Asked by:
alomar / 11 Points
2013-09-22 4:18 am EST
Hello every body

problem we're facing is ALL email sent from the server is going to Spam/junk mail folders.

WHY ...??

So i am wondering if anyone has any tips how i can get the site listed as not spam

can any body help me please ?

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16,266 Points
2013-09-23 4:39 pm EST
Hello Alomar,

I am sorry you are having issues with your email going to the recipient spam folders. This behavior, however, is not on the side of the senging server (WebHostinHub).

When email is sent to a recipient, that server decides how to categorize it as far as spam. The recipient themselves can normally opt to flag emails from that address as non-spam so future emails will not end up in the spam folder. This means that at the original email may end up in the spam folder, however.

While you do not have direct control over how the receiving server treats your emails, there are a couple of things you can do to give your emails more 'credibility' and thus be less likely to end up in a spam folder. You will want to enable Domain Keys/DKIM and SPF Keys for your account.

You can learn more about Domain Keys and SPF Records with our Support Center articles.

If you want to know how to enable these items individually please look at the articles below:

SPF Records

Domain Keys/DKIM

After enabling these features, you should see some difference in the way the email is handled. This can take a few days to a week to see a significant difference, so keep an eye on the situation.

Scott M

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