How do I set up mail relay?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-04-08 2:07 am EST
I plan to move to Google apps for business email service. I only want to move 2 people to Google apps to see how it goes. I understand Google can relay rest of the incoming emails to webhostinghub. Here is my question: is it possible to set all outgojng mails from webhostinghub relay to Google apps so users on webhostinghub can email to users on Google apps? Thank you.

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17,314 Points
2014-04-08 2:28 am EST

Thanks for the question. You would not really be setting up a mail relay because you still want to have mail delivered to our server here. You're talking more about split delivery where some email will go to the Web Hosting Hub server and some to the Google App email server. We do not typically support this, BUT you can add a nother email server with a different priority to the list so that mail can be processed through Google's mail server. Here is their documentation for these options: Configure Split Delivery

There's also this article on Mail routing and delivery. I also asked around about it hear and our systems guy said that this was what you needed. You will need to get familiar with making MX changes using the cPanel MX Records application.

I hope that helps to answer your question. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Arnel C.

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