How would I set MX records to go through WHH's McAfee Secure service?

Asked by:
teamrc / 13 Points
2013-08-08 8:25 pm EST
I have a couple of clients who could use email security, but don't want me to host their email (one currently has Exchange 2003 on a Windows SBS 2003 system). Where do I find info on pointing their email to my shared WHH server? (I found the article on pointing out to a 3rd part server, but I want to go the other way.)

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17,314 Points
2013-08-08 9:09 pm EST
Hello Teamrc,

Thanks for the question. It's a bit confusing because in your first sentence you're stating that your customers don't want you to host the email. Then you're asking about pointing TO our email servers. So are you saying that you want us to host the email, anyway? Or were you simply trying to use the McAfee Secure service that's available for email hosted on Web Hosting Hub?

It sounds to me like the latter, or maybe a combination. You can't have the email go through their Exchange server and then relay them to our email servers here in order to take advantage of the McAfee service. You would actually need to have the McAfee service setup for their Exchange server.

If you are trying to modify your email records, there's really no need unless your DNS is not hosted here and you need to manually change the MX records to point to the server here. This would direct all email traffic to this server (none would go to the Exchange server). Here are the steps:

  1. You would need to change the MX record of the mail server setting in your DNS to point to our shared server IP . Example:

    Priority = 0 Destination

  2. If you have a mail CNAME record (e.g., then you would also need to make sure that it points to the server here.

  3. Finally, you would also need to setup the email accounts in the cPanel.

Note that all DNS changes may have a slight delay of up to 24 hours called DNS propagation.

If you are hosted here and you are not using the email server, you would simply need to set up the email accounts in the cPanel as the email server is ready for use.

Again, the McAfee service is only available if you are hosting the emails here. If you want to use it elsewhere, you would need to purchase the software solution for that email server.

I hope this helps to all of your questions. If you do need further assistance, please let us know!

Arnel C.

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Sorry for the confusion. I am looking for a security service I can pass mail through (like Postini, which is being phased out). Thanks for clarifying that it won't work here.
George (teamrc)
13 Points

2013-08-09 3:22 am EST
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